

Gespräche über Musik


Musik etc...!

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All photos Copyright Midou Grossmann - Painting Gunnar Tschabrunn - Chénier Bregenz 2011

Music is a moral law. It gives a soul to the universe, wings to the mind, flight to the imagination, a charme to sadness, gaiety and life to everything. It is the essence of order, and leads to all that is good, just, and beautiful, of which it is the invisible, but nevertheless, dazzling, passionate, and eternal. - Plato -


Above a link to my article about the brilliant musician and conductor Leopold Stokwoski,
who would have been 140 years old this year.
I think that his interesting biography also shows the development of American musical life.
 Certainly, in terms of music history, he was one of the most important personalities of the last century.

Hier mein Artikel über den genialen Musiker und Dirigenten Leopold Stokwoski,
der in diesem Jahr 140 Jahre alt geworden wäre. 
Ich denke, dass anhand seiner interessesanten Biografie auch die Entwickllung des amerikanischen Musiklebens
erkennbar wird. Sicherlich war er musikgeschichtlich eine der wichtigsten Persönichkeit des letzten Jahrhunderts.

Blog Midou and Music

Klassik-Blog Midou Grossmann

Klassik-Blog Tom Sutcliff 'Operastagecoach'

Klassik-Blog Andrew Clements 'The Guardian'

ArtsJournal - Daily Arts News

Codex Flores - Das Musik-Online-Magazin aus der Schweiz

Norman Lebrecht and Slipped Disc

Video Wagner/Schopenhauer


The World:

Oper Leipzig

Gewandhausorchester Leipzig

Deutsche Oper Berlin

Berliner Philharmoniker

Münchner Rundfunkorcherster

(Münchens erstaunlichstes Orchester !!!)

Festspielhaus Baden Baden

Bregenzer Festspiele

Wiener Staatsoper

LA Philharmonics

LA Opera






© Midou Grossmann 2004-2023

+49 151 588 163 12


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Alle Fotos Copyright Midou Grossmann