

Gespräche über Musik


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Drum geht die Sage, dass Orpheus Bäume, Fels und Flut verlockte, denn nichts ist so versteint, so hart und wütig, das durch Musik nicht anders würd und besser.  - Shakespeare  (Kaufmann von Venedig)

Whispers from the Past!!!!

This page is dedicated to great artists of the past and their sayings about art and inspriation !Our society seems to have forgotten that we are all bound into some ethical laws, art often did becomea business for personal profit and ego pampering. Anyhow - maybe we can learn from the past.

I will start with the great Soprano Amelita Galli-Curci who certainly was one of the most outstanding singer of her generation. Biography and lots of details here!

Additionally do find a most wise and deep introspection with her standpoint as an artist. I have seen this article in print in the East-West-Magazine but can't find the online source at the moment.

sing_amelita.pdf   ... to be continued with various lectures from the past! Enjoy!



Super-Conscious Mind Recognized by Scientists

New York, April 4, 1928.—Jules-Bois, French lecturer and member of L’Ecole de Psychologie, or psychological department of the Sorbonne, arrived yesterday on the French liner Il de France. He told of the recognition on the part of French scientists of the so-called "superconscious" mind which is the exact opposite of Dr. Sigmund Freud’s subconscious mind and which he said was the quality "which makes man really man and not just a super-animal."

M. Jules-Bois said that the existence of a superconscious mind had long been recognized philosophically, being in reality the "over-soul" spoken of by Emerson, but that it was only recently that it had been recognized scientifically. He described it as the mental attribute which afforded inspiration to genius. He said that belief in this was not mysticism though it recognized and valued the qualities which mystics preached.

The new psychological quality had been investigated in French laboratories associated with the Sorbonne, he said. M. Jules-Bois added that it had practical applications and described how French psychologists had cured an habitual drunkard by arousing his sense of moral values through the awakening of this superconscious mind.

He said that the awakening of the moral consciousness was not to be confused with Coueism or hypnotism. These, though effective in some cases, he said, were relatively superficial. M. Jules-Bois, who has already spoken in this country under the auspices of the Alliance Francaise, will lecture on this subject in America.—New York Times. New York, April 4, 1928.—Jules-Bois, French lecturer and member of L’Ecole de Psychologie, or psychological department of the Sorbonne, arrived yesterday on the French liner Il de France. He told of the recognition on the part of French scientists of the so-called "superconscious" mind which is the exact opposite of Dr. Sigmund Freud’s subconscious mind and which he said was the quality "which makes man really man and not just a super-animal." - New York Times April 4 1928



Healing Power of Classical Music

Rhythm means vibratory energy in music; it is the most important tool. People react to rhythm; rhythm can be health, inspiration, a broader perspective of mind. For musicians it is the first duty to present the rhythm hidden in the music! Also so called 'atonal music' does have a rhythm.

Spoken words are sounds occasioned by the vibrations of thoughts; thoughts are vibrations sent forth by ego or soul. Every word you utter should be potent with soul vibration. A man’s words are lifeless if he fails to impregnate them with spiritual force. The same goes for the musician. His music is stall if not impregnated with spiritual force. And the conductor has the duty to rouse the consciousness of the entire orchestra towards this higher state of mind.

A quote from the Chandogya Upanisad:
' the essence of all beings is earth,
the essence of earth is water,
the essence of water are the plants,
the essence of plants is man,
the essence of man is speech,
the essence of speech is the RgVeda, (poetry)
the essence of RgVeda is Samavda,(music)
the essence of the Samaveda is the Udgita (which is OM).
that Udgita is the best of all the essences, the highest,
deserving the highest place, the eighth.'

Poetry is subtler than prose, it's rhythm producing a higher unity and loosens the fetters of our mind.
But music is subtler than poetry, it carries us beyond the meaning of words into a state of intuitive receptivity.

It seems that not many conductors of today’s musical scene are aware of these topics and if they are, they do not know how to reach the dimension where music becomes magic. All this is also valuable for singers, choirs and so on. Spiritual force should be the goal for all art but at its highest form is found in music.

copyright Midou Grossmann 2018